Counting inventory in the handheld
- In the POU for Department Inventory menu page, select Count Inventory.
- Tap Facility to select a facility and click OK.
- Tap Department to select a department and click OK.
Select a location and tap the next arrow.
A list of used items from previous case transactions will be listed (provided that generate replenishment has not been performed). If Blind Counting is set to "No," the quantity on hand will be displayed. If Blind Counting is set to "Yes" quantity on hand will not be displayed.
Specify items by scanning the Infor Item Number or the manufacturer barcode or clicking the search icon.
Tapping the item twice or scanning a serial/lot tracked Infor Item Number or a non-concatenated barcode will display the Count Item screen. For more information on adding item details in the handheld, seeAdding item details using the handheld
Scanning an Infor Item Number of an item that is not serial/lot-tracked or scanning a concatenated barcode of a serial/lot-tracked item will increment the quantity on hand. Item details such as serial/lot numbers and expiration dates will automatically be stored by the system.
For more information on finding items in the handheld, see Finding an item in count inventory in the handheld
To delete an item, click the delete icon next to the procedure.
- Click next arrow to send the counts.