Counting inventory from the desktop
Note: You should have the POU
DI - Edit Inventory Count role to perform this task.
- In Point of Use for Department Inventory, select Replenishment Management.
- Select Count Inventory under Replenishment Management. The Count Inventory page is displayed.
- In the Company list, select the company name.
- In the Facility list, select the facility.
- In the Department list, select the department.
- In the Location Room list, select the location.
- Optionally, select Inventory Class.
- Optionally, Select Display.
- Optionally, In the Operator field, specify the operator.
Click Inquire.
All items satisfying the search parameters are displayed.
Optionally, In the Item field, scan\specify\select the item code.
Only the selected item satisfying the search parameters is displayed.
For regular and at issue items (lot, serial and lot & serial),you
can specify item details by clicking on the add icon.
For items tagged as Bone and Tissue Items, temperature is required. Specify the temperature by adding it manually before the count is added.
- Click Add to add entry to the list of items counted.
- Click OK once item details have been completely added.
For at receipt tracked items (lot, serial or lot & serial), users
may specify the item details by clicking on the add icon.
For items tagged as Bone and Tissue Items, temperature is required. Specify the temperature by adding it manually before the count is added.
- Click Add to add entry to the list of items counted.
Click OK once item details have been completely added.
Note: You can specify duplicate serial numbers (quantity greater than 1 or duplicate serial numbers with different expiration dates) if 'Allow Duplicates' option of the item is set to 'Yes' in the Item Details configuration tab.
Click Save to save the count and other serial/lot item details.
Click Refresh to undo the count.
Click Print to print the inventory count details.