Adding items using the handheld in Android
Tap Location on Location List screen.
The Item list screen is displayed.
A list of used items from previous case transaction is listed if generate replenishment has not been performed.
Scan items or tap Select Items on the Items List screen.
The Select Items screen is displayed.
Select an item you would like to count and tap ADD.
To add more item(s), tap add button (plus icon). Select item(s) from the list and tap ADD.
A list of all added items will be displayed in Item List screen. If Blind Counting is set to "No" the quantity on hand will be displayed. If Blind Counting is set to "Yes" quantity on hand will not be displayed.
Tapping the item or scanning a serial/lot tracked Infor Item Number or a non-concatenated barcode will display the Enter Count screen. For more information on adding item details in handheld, see Adding item details using the handheld in Android.
Note: Scanning an Infor Item Number of an item that is not serial/lot-tracked or scanning a concatenated barcode of a serial/lot-tracked item will increment the quantity on hand. Item details such as serial/lot numbers and expiration dates will automatically be stored by the system.For items tagged as Bone and Tissue Items, temperature is required. Specify the temperature by adding it manually before the count is added.
For more information on finding items in the handheld, see Finding an item in count inventory in the handheld.
To delete a item(s), tap more options menu. Tap EDIT, select an item(s) and tap DELETE.
To delete all items, tap more options menu. Tap SELECT ALL and tap DELETE. Tap CLEAR ALL to untag all selected items
Tap Send Count to send counts for a specific location. A confirmation message is displayed.
Note: To send counts on multiple locations, tap more options. Tap Send All.