Building a case using the desktop
Find the case you want to build by using the search function in the desktop.
See Searching for a case from the desktop for more information.
Note: New, Saved, Released, and Billed cases can be opened to build a case. Cancelled cases can only be viewed. -
Select the case to be built.
Note: Depending on the status of the case - case details, procedure and items may already be included in the case.
In the Date and Time field, specify the date and time or click the calendar icon to select the date and time.
This field is enabled for New or Saved cases only.
In the Procedure Room list, select the room.
This field is enabled for New or Saved cases only.
In the Patient field, specify the first name, last name, or ID of the patient or click the search icon.
This field is enabled for locally saved cases only.
The autocomplete function shows matching entries when specifying the first name, last name ,or ID of the patient. Select a patient and additional details are displayed.
For more information on finding a patient ID, see Finding a patient from the desktop
In the Practitioner field, specify the first name, last name, or ID of the practitioner or click the search icon.
This field is enabled for New or Saved cases only.
The autocomplete function shows matching entries when specifying the first name, last name, or ID of the practitioner.
See Finding a practitioner from the desktop for more information.
- In the Other Personnel click Add and specify the role and the name.
- Click Save to save the details.
In the Procedure field, specify the charge code, procedure description, or CPT code; or click the search icon.
Note: The Charge Code, Procedure Description, or CPT Code will automatically be in uppercase characters.
The autocomplete function shows matching entries when specifying the charge code, procedure description ,or CPT code.
For more information on finding a procedure to add to a case, see Finding a procedure from the desktop
Note: If a procedure template exists for a procedure, the system will automatically load the procedure template that matches the procedure and the practitioner, otherwise it will load the procedure template that matches the procedure only.To add or edit a CPT modifier, click the CPT modifier icon next to the procedure. It will display the Find CPT Modifier screen.
CPT modifiers can still be replaced if the case is still saved.
See Finding a CPT modifier from the desktop for more information.
To delete a procedure, click the delete icon next to the procedure. It will delete the procedure and all items under it. Procedures that have been previously released cannot be deleted.
To view an item information, hover over the item. The corresponding Manufacturer and Charge Code of the item are shown; Manufacturer is displayed as the concatenated Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Number.
In the Item field, either specify the Infor Item Number, Manufacturer Number, or the GTIN/HIBC; scan the barcode or click the search icon.
The autocomplete function shows matching entries when specifying the Infor Item Number, Manufacturer Number, or Description.
See Finding an item from the desktop for more information.
If the serial/lot display in case is set to 'Yes' in the configuration settings, available serial/lot numbers associated to the selected department-location is displayed in the lot/serial droplist field.
If the allow lot & serial setting is set to 'Yes', Lot/Serial column will be split into two separate columns (Lot , Serial) , otherwise current behavior will be followed.
In the expiration date field, specify the expiration date by manually specifying the expiration date OR by scanning the barcode.
For items tagged as bone and tissue, the temperature is required. Specify the temperature in the field by specifying it manually.
If items are identified as an implant, the Implant Type field is enabled. Select Internal or External if the Implant Type is required to be specified.
Note: To delete an item, click the delete icon next to the item. Items that have been previously released cannot be deleted. - Click the Return icon to return an item, a new line will be displayed then adjust the quantity to be returned.
Click Save to save the case as draft or click Release to submit the case and adjust the quantity on hand of the used items.
Note: System validates expiration date values of items upon release of the case.
To have an accurate inventory data (QOH) for the succeeding case, users may release a case without any patient information. It is important to note that billing will not be generated when a case without patient information is released.
Users may not release or save multiple cases for the same patient visit number within the same day regardless of the case status.
Users may not release a case that is scheduled for a future date and time.
Note: Use the View Summary to view the details of a new or saved case while the details of a released case is displayed in the Case Summary screen.