Reviewing charges and returns from the touchscreen
From the main menu, select Review.
The Enter Review Header is displayed.
Specify the Start and End dates when the transaction was specified. Tap
the calendar icon to select the dates.
This allows the application to search for all patient charges and returns that fall within the specified dates.
Specify the patient's visit number by scanning the visit number
barcode. You can also select the Search Patient button to search for the patient and the
assigned visit number. Tap Next.
The Review Charges & Returns page is displayed.
By default, the page displays all charges and return transactions that occurred during the specified charge period.To view the pull records only, select the Charges button. Tap the Returns button to view transactions for return items. - Optionally, you can also sort the records by tapping the [ALL TRANSACTIONS] button which displays all the transactions for that patient on the specified date and [MY TRANSACTIONS] which displays all the transactions for that patient that the user made.