Building a case from the handheld
You should have the POU DI - Handheld - Case role to perform this task.
- In the application menu page, select POU DI.
In the main menu page, tap Build Case.
The Build Case (Select Case) screen is displayed.
- Tap Facility to select a facility and click OK.
- Tap Department to select a department and click OK.
- Tap Procedure to select a procedure room and click OK.
- Tap the date to open the calendar and set the search period.
- Tap the search icon to display all available cases.
In the list, select a case to build and tap next.
You can add a procedure in the case by tapping the procedure field in the Scan Items screen. See Finding a procedure from the handheld for more information.
In the Item field, you can add an item by either specifying the Infor Item Number, Manufacturer Number, or GTIN/HIBC code manually, or scanning the item barcode.
If item number is manually specified, you can double tap on the item to specify the item details.
If the serial/lot display in case is set to 'Yes' in the configuration settings, available serial/lot numbers (and associated expiration date) found in the selected department-location will be displayed in the serial/lot screen. If the serial/lot display in case is set to 'No', user would have to manually specify/scan the serial/lot of the item.
If the allow lot & serial setting is set to 'Yes', Lot/Serial column will be split into two separate columns (Lot and Serial) , otherwise current behavior will be followed.
Tapping Next displays the View Summary screen.
In the dialog box that displays, tap Save to save the built case or tap Release to release the case.
The Complete Case screen is displayed and shows the details of the case.
Note: To have an accurate inventory data (QOH) for the succeeding case, you can release a case without any patient information.You cannot release or save multiple cases for the same patient visit number within the same day regardless of the case status.
You cannot release a case that is scheduled for a future date and time.
For cases whose status = 'New' or 'Saved', expiration date validation occurs upon release of the case.
For cases whose status = 'Released' or 'Billed' and have these item types: Serial at Receipt, Lot at Receipt and Lot & Serial at Receipt, expiration date validation occurs upon clicking OK.
For cases whose status = 'Released' or 'Billed', and have these item types: Regular, Serial at Issue, Lot at Issue and Lot & Serial at Issue, expiration date validation occurs upon re-release of the case
- Tap OK to go back to the list of available cases.