Finding an item from the desktop

  1. On the Find Items page, click Search to see the list of available items.
    Note: You can click the page numbers shown to move to the next or previous page of the items list.
  2. Narrow down your search by specifying either one of the information in the fields. Specify this information:

    Select a department. Only departments that share items are available.

    Item ID

    Specify the Infor Item Number.

    Note: The Item ID is created in uppercase characters.

    You can specify items with no charge code (CDM) when building a case. Items with no charge code cannot be billed/charged.


    Specify the item description.

    Manufacturer Name

    Specify the name of the manufacturer.

    Note: The Manufacturer Nbr. is created in uppercase characters.
    Manufacturer Number

    Specify the manufacturer number.

    Note: The Manufacturer Nbr. is created in uppercase characters.
    Inventory Class

    In the list, select the inventory class.

    Note: You can select all or clear all items in the list by clicking Check All or Uncheck All.
  3. In the list, select the item(s) you want to add and click Add.