Configuring Properties settings
- On the Properties Settings page, specify the information for the various required fields.
Specify the required information for the Runtime Technology Properties section:
- Server Type
- Select the runtime technology. The selected runtime technology validates the access for each transaction that MSCM sends to the core application.
- Version
- Specify the version number of the runtime technology.
Specify the information for the Character Encoding Properties Settings section.
- Character Set
- Specify the character values that the authenticating server supports. By default it is set to ISO-8859-1.
Specify the information for the Infocenter Properties section:
- Project Help Context
- Specify the context root for the MSCM Infocenter.
- Help Home Page
- Specify the home page of the MSCM Infocenter.
Specify the required information for the Scheduler Properties Settings section. The scheduler period must be in seconds for all scheduler properties.
Note: The displayed Scheduler Properties Settings depends on the selected Runtime Technologies Properties Server Type.Landmark server type
- Handheld Scheduler
- Used by MPC and RAD to pick up handheld transactions.
- Outbound Scheduler
- Sends the transactions to the Infor Financials & Supply Management (FSM) or Infor Lawson application.
- Inbound Master Scheduler
- Sends the requests and retrieves master data to and from the FSM or Infor Lawson application. Refer to the appendix for the list of sub-schedulers included.
- Inbound Transaction Scheduler
- Sends the requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the FSM or Infor Lawson application. Refer to the appendix for the list of sub-schedulers included.
- RQ Trans Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from FSM or the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- PO Track Scheduler
- Used by RAD and POU to process released PO from the FSM or Infor Lawson application.
- PO Arrival Scheduler
- Used by the FSM or Infor Lawson application to push released PO processed by RAD and POU.
- Shipment Track Scheduler
- Used by RAD and POU to process released shipments from the FSM or Infor Lawson application.
- Recall Notification Scheduler
- Retrieves recall notices from Item Lifecycle Management in FSM.
- POU Replenishment Scheduler
- Used by POU to process replenishment transactions.
- Clinical Bridge Scheduler
- Used by POU to download patient, case and billing data from third party systems.
- SIM Scheduler
- Used by SIM to upload and download transaction data between the server and the handheld.
- Print Scheduler
- Used by MPC and RAD to process printing of par labels, PO and shipment delivery tickets and issue tickets.
- ION Data Replication Scheduler
- Sends new and changed data to Infor ION application.
- ION Data Replication Manual Trigger Polling Scheduler
- Sends new and changed data to Infor ION application when triggered manually.
- Kanban Inventory Intelligence Scheduler
- Sends the Kanban bin count update to FSM
- Kanban Intelligence Manual Trigger Polling Scheduler
- Sends the Kanban bin count update to FSM when triggered manually.
- Scheduler Startup Delay
- Number of seconds to wait before starting MSCM schedulers.
- Sync Recovery Service Startup Delay
- Number of seconds to wait before executing a job that looks for Outbound or HH Sync jobs that are in a locked/processing state and has passed the configured waiting time.
- Sync Recovery Service Frequency
- The interval in seconds for which the job that looks for Outbound or HH Sync jobs that are in a locked/processing state runs.
- HH Sync Recovery Process Threshold
- HH Sync data that are still in processing status will be re-queued if its update date/time is older than the set threshold.
LSF server type- Handheld Scheduler
- Used by MPC and RAD to pick up handheld transactions.
- Outbound Scheduler
- Sends transactions to the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- User Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of users from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- LSF Locale Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves LSF Locale from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Master Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Item Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of items from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Location Bin Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of location bins from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Manufacturer Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of manufacturers from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Location Item Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of location items from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Cycle Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves Select IDs from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Requester Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves master data of requesters from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Item Image Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of item images from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Location Group Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of location groups from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Item Cost Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves master data of item costs from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Item QOO Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves master data of quantity on orders from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Vendor Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of vendors from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- PO Config Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of PO configuration from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Picklist Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Shipment Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- SDI PO Scheduler
- This sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- PO Code Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Account Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves master data of accounts from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- IC Trans Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- RQ Trans Scheduler
- Sends requests and retrieves transactional data to and from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- PO Track Scheduler
- Used by RAD and POU to process released PO from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Shipment Track Scheduler
- Used by RAD and POU to process released shipments from the Infor Lawson Procurement application.
- Shipment Print Ticket Scheduler
- Used by RAD to process printing of picklist tickets.
- Issue Print Scheduler
- Used by RAD to process printing of issue tickets.
- PAR Print Label Scheduler
- Used by MPC to process printing of Par item labels.
- ADT Scheduler
- Used by POU to process HL7 files coming from third party ADT systems.
- POU Replenishment Scheduler
- Used by POU to process replenishment transactions.
- Clinical Bridge Scheduler
- Used by POU to download patient, case and billing data from third-party systems.
Specify the required information for the Inbound and Outbound Properties section. The following properties
are only applicable when MSCM connects to LSF except for Inbound Services Max.
- Inbound Service Max
- Used by schedulers as limit for the number of records to be downloaded from the FSM application on a single call.
- Inbound Service Location
- The LSF servlet directory from which the data are being downloaded. Default value /servlet/Router/Data/Erp.
- Outbound Service Location
- The LSF servlet directory from which transactions are being uploaded. Default value /servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp.
- Profile Servlet Location
- The LSF servlet directory from which profiles are stored. Default value is /servlet/Profile.
- Locale Location
- The LSF location from which locales are stored. Default value is /lawson-ios/action/ListLocale.
- Language Location
- The LSF location from which language settings are stored. Default value is lawson-ios/action/ListLanguages
- IDA Location
- The LSF location and drill service command to get attachments. Default value is cgi-lawson/getattachrec.exe
- IDA Write Location
- The LSF location and drill service command to upload attachments. Default value is cgi-lawson/ writeattach.exe
- DME Format
- Response format expected by MSCM when downloading data from LSF. Default is CSV.
- CSV Delimiter
- Delimiter expected by MSCM from LSF data download response. Default is %B6 (pilcrow).
- CSV OTM Delimeter
- Output delimiter from MSCM data download request to LSF. Default is %A7
- CSV INT Delimeter
- Filter delimiter from MSCM data download request to LSF. Default is 182.
- Inbound Max Idle Time
- Number of seconds to wait before executing the next run of the inbound schedulers.
- Thread Execution Delay
- Number of seconds to wait before executing the next run of the inbound schedulers when the Thread Count per Delay is reached.
- Thread Count per Delay
- Number of threads per delay.
- Landmark Webservice Page Size Limit
- Represents the landmark page size limit.
Specify the required information for the Web Service Authentication Properties section:
- Service Type
- Select the service type which access data and
transaction to and from the FSM or Infor Lawson Procurement via servlets.
If the Server Type selected in the Runtime Technology Properties section of the Properties Settings is LSF, the options are IOS and LHC. The default is IOS. If Landmark, the options are OAUTH and LHC. The default is OAUTH.
- Identity Service
- Specify the name of the Service associated to actors based on the
selected Service type.
Specify the required information for the HTTP Security Properties section:
- Enable HTTP Host Header Validation
- Adds validation in HTTP host header for all incoming request.
- Enable HTTP Referer Header Validation
- Add validation of HTTP Referrer Headers of POST requests.
- Host Value
- Specify the host value of HTTP Host Header for validation.
- Enable X-Frame Options
- Adds X-Frame-Options in HTTP header.
- X-Frame-Options Value
- Specify the value of X-Frame-Options to add.
- Enable XSS Protection
- Adds XSS protection in HTTP header.
- XSS Protection Value
- Specify the value of XSS Protection settings to add.
- Enable X-Content-Type
- Adds X-context-type options in HTTP header.
- X-Content-Type Value
- Specify the value of X-Content-type to add.
- Enable Content Security Policy
- Adds content security policy in HTTP header.
- Content Security Policy
- Specify the value of content security policy to add.
- Enable P3P Header
- Adds the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) in the HTTP
response header.Note: Required when adding HTTP response header when integrating with Mingle CE.
- P3P Header Value
- Specify the value of P3P header to add.
- Enable Strict Transport Security Header
- Prevents any communication from being sent over HTTP and will instead send all communications over HTTPS.
- Strict Transport Security Value
- Specify the value of Strict Transport Security to add.
Specify the required information for the SMTP Properties Section:
- Host
- Specify the SMTP server name.
- Port
- Specify the port associated to Hostname.
- Test Email Recipient
- Specify the email address to perform test of SMTP properties.
- User
- Specify user for access to Hostname.
- Password
- Specify the password associated to User.
- From Email
- Specify From email address.
- From Display Name
- Specify subject line for email.
Note: These fields are automatically populated when SMTP configurations are completed in Landmark for MT only. -
Specify the required information for the SAML Security Properties section:
- Tenant Claim Name
- Specify the ID of the tenant claim in SAML.
- Identity Claim Name
- Specify the ID of identity claim in SAML.
- UPN Claim Name
- Specify the ID of the UPN claim in SAML.
- SAML SSO URL Template
- Specify the SSO URL template of IDP.
- Role Claim Name
- Specify the ID of the roles claim in SAML.
- Infor Admin Role Name
- Specify the name of the Infor admin role.
Specify the required information for the Ming.le Properties section:
- Ming.le or Infor OS Portal or Infor Local Technology Runtime CE Cookie Name
- Specify the name of the Ming.le or Infor OS Portal or Infor Local Technology Runtime CE cookie.
- Ming.le or Infor OS Portal or Infor Local Technology Runtime CE Cookie Domain Name
- Specify the domain where the Ming.le or Infor OS Portal or Infor Local Technology Runtime CE cookie belongs.
- Enable SameSite Attribute
- Adds the SameSite attribute to the cookie shared with Ming.le.
- SameSite Attribute Value
- Specify the value of SameSite Attribute to add.
Specify the information for Data Service Properties section:
- Data Service Public Key
- The public cryptographic key used to authorize data
service calls.Note: Click SHOW to view the value.
- Data Service Secret Key
- The private cryptographic key to be paired with the
public key to authorize data service calls.Note: Click SHOW to view the value.
Specify the information for Admin Data Service Properties:
- Admin Data Service Public Key
- The public cryptographic key used by Cloud Ops to automate web services
testing of tenants.Note: Click Show to verify the value.
- Admin Data Service Secret Key
- The public cryptographic key to be paired with the public key used by
Cloud Ops to automate web services testing of tenants.Note: Click Show to verify the value.
Specify the information for IMS API Integration Properties section:
- The IMS endpoint URL of Infor ION application.
- IMS Public Key
- The public cryptographic key used to authorize
connection to the Infor ION messaging service.Note: Click SHOW to view the value.
- IMS Secret Key
- The private cryptographic key to be paired with the
public key to authorize connection to the Infor ION messaging service.Note: Click SHOW to view the value.
- IMS Message Encoding
- The message encoding used in messages sent to IMS.
- MSCM IMS LID Connection
The IMS connection name to be paired with MSCM LID as an identifier to the Infor ION application as the source of the message.
Note: These fields are automatically populated when Infor ION application is setup. To verify connection to IMS API, click Test. -
Specify the information for Data Catalog API Integration Properties section:
- Data Catalog URL
- The Data Catalog endpoint URL of Infor ION application.
- Data Catalog Public Key
- The public cryptographic key used to authorize a
connection to the Data Catalog endpoint.Note: Click SHOW to view the value. To verify the connection to the Data Catalog API Integration, click Test.
- Data Catalog Secret Key
- The private cryptographic key to be paired with the
public key to authorize a connection to the Data Catalog endpoint.Note: Click SHOW to view the value.
- Data Catalog Document Prefix
- The prefix that will be used for the document names in the Data Catalog to distinguish MSCM against the schema of other applications.
Note: These fields are automatically populated when Infor ION application is setup. To verify the connection to the Data Catalog API Integration, click Test. -
Specify the required information for the Provisioning Properties section:
- Provisioning Public Key
- The public cryptographic key used for provisioning Infor MSCM tenants.
- Provisioning Secret Key
- The private cryptographic key to be paired with the public key for provisioning Infor MSCM tenants.
- Snapshot Location
- The location to store the snapshot data.
- Snapshot Location Region
- The AWS region where the snapshot location was created.
- Presigned URL Expiration
- The validity of a presigned URL. Value is in minutes.
- Enable OAUTH Security
- This is to enable OAUTH security for provisioning.
- Enable REST Message Logging
- Logs all incoming and outgoing Representational State Transfer (REST) messages which is applicable for provisioning, data service, and print service.
- Enable Cloning Schema Update
- Enables the upgrading of the schema during CSP tenant cloning. Only used for Multi-tenant.
- Validate FSM Connection During Application Provisioning
- Validates the FSM details by performing the test connection during add/update/activate in application provisioning. An error=400 status is displayed if the test fails.
- Reprovision Tenant on Datasource Update
- This sets the provision status of the tenant when the tenant database is updated.
- Enable Database Compression
- Select this option to execute compression during DB upgrade or provisioning.
- Include Date Tracker Table on Tenant Snapshot
- Includes the DATE_TRACKER table in the export during the tenant snapshot.
Specify the optional information for the Migration Properties section:
- S3 Access Role ARN
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service to access the IAM role.
- S3 Bucket Name
- The name of the S3 bucket.
Specify the required information for the Connection Pool Properties section:
- Minimum Pool Size
- The minimum pool size the system will acquire when the pool is exhausted.
- Maximum Pool Size
- The maximum pool size the system will acquire when the pool is exhausted.
- Preferred Test Query
- The preferred query to do the test connection.
- Unreturned Connection Timeout
- The number of seconds that a connection can be out of the pool before a message is logged in connection leak.
- Debug Unreturned Connection
- Select to perform checking of unreturned connection using the set timeout seconds.
Specify the information for Health Check Monitoring section:
- Percent Threshold
The threshold of failed scenarios for health check in percentage.
- Allowed Number of Misfires
- The allowed number of consecutive errors on database connections and schedulers.
- Scheduled Frequency
- The frequency in milliseconds for the health check scheduler to run.
- Max Blocked Thread Count
- The maximum number of threads in blocked state.
- Max Deadlocked Thread Count
- The maximum number of threads in deadlocked state.
- Reset Scheduler Wait Time
- The time in seconds to wait to reset blocked schedulers. Default is 20.
- HTTP Connection Timeout
- The timeout value in seconds when opening a communication link to the specified resource.
- Enable Blocked Thread Logging
- The logging of stack traces for blocked threads are enabled.
- Ignore Primary DB Connection Error During Health Check
- The primary DB connection failures will be ignored during health check.
- Enable DB Monitoring
- The monitoring of tenant DB connection will be executed. Default is True.
- Enable Web Resource Monitoring
- The health check monitoring for data service, print service, and provisioning will be executed. Default for Single Tenant is false. Default for Multi-tenant is true.
- Enable FSM or Infor Lawson Connection Monitoring
- The monitoring of the FSM connection will be executed. Default is False.
- Web Health Check Startup Delay
- Number of milliseconds to wait before a scheduled job that routinely checks the health of the MSCM web application.
- Sync Health Check Startup Delay
- Number of milliseconds to wait before a scheduled job that routinely checks the health of the MSCM sync application.
- Enable CloudWatch Metrics
- Enables CloudWatch to collect and track metrics.
- Enable Scheduler Monitoring
- Enables checking of scheduler states on startup.
Specify the information for Database Connection section:
- Timeout
- The time set in seconds for the database connection test to run. Exceeding the time set will consider a failed connection.
- Enable DB Connection Proxy
- Enables logging of SQL queries to the database.
Specify the required information for Logs section:
- Log Level
- The level of information written to log files. Default value is INFO.
- Maximum Number of Backup Files
- The maximum number of backup files to keep. Default value is 100.
- Maximum Backup File Size
- The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being rolled over to backup files. Specify the value with the suffixes KB, MB or GB. Default value is 5MB.
Specify the information for the Miscellaneous section:
- Tenant ID Regex
- The regular expression to validate the tenant name that will be used.
- MSCM Application Logical ID
- The logical ID used in MSCM Application when connecting to Infor ION application.
- FSM or Infor Lawson Application Logical ID
- The logical ID used in provisioning when adding an application.
- Use UTC date standard
- Select to use UTC as a date standard for the system.
- Use printer agent for printing documents and labels
- Select to use the MSCM printer agent to process print jobs.
- On-Demand Process Thread Pool Size
- If the On-demand PO Processing (toggle) is enabled, this value is the maximum number of threads that can be created for an asynchronous task that submits POs and processing of PO delivery documents.
- On-Demand Process Thread Queue Size
- If the On-demand PO Processing toggle is enabled, this value is the maximum number of asynchronous tasks queued before a new thread is created.
- S3 Data Location
- The filepath in the AWS S3 where MSCM images are stored, if the Enable S3 Image Storage toggle is set to On.
- S3 File Storage Process Core Pool Size
- This is the default pool size of threads that could concurrently upload the images to S3.
- S3 File Storage Process Max Pool Size
- This is the maximum. pool size of threads that could concurrently upload the images to S3.
- S3 File Storage Process Queue Capacity
- This is the maximum number of image upload that can be queued at the same time.
- Landmark Webservice Required Roles
- Specify all the FSM roles to enable data download from FSM to MSCM through schedulers.
- Enable System Logging
- Turns on the properties related system logging. Default is disabled.
- Enable Requisition Line Action for Par Counts
- Select to enable the create requisition line action when sending par counts. Default is enabled.
Save or print your Properties settings:
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Click Print to print your changes.