GTIN scanning enabled in MSCM and POU

In MSCM, GTIN scanning is enabled on these modules:

Module Field Details Extracted
MPC Par Counting Item ID GTIN
MPC Pick for Par Item ID GTIN
MPC Cycle Count Item ID GTIN
RAD Issues Item Number GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
RAD Receiving Item Number GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
RAD Picking Item Number GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
POU Nursing Pull Item GTIN
POU Department Inventory Count Inventory Item GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
POU Department Inventory Edit Inventory Item GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
POU Department Inventory Accept Replenishment Item No. GTIN If Applicable: Lot / Serial, Expiration Date (for concatenated barcodes)
POU Department Inventory Build Case Item

For stacked barcodes, scan the lot/serial, expiration date barcodes on their appropriate fields.

To set the FNC1 (Function 1 Character) to '/' on Wedge scanners, see Configuring wedge scanners for scanning GTIN-14 barcodes.

Note: GTIN is defined in the GTI Ns tab in FSM or Infor Lawson Item. For more information on the GTIN setup, refer to the Inventory Control User Guide.