Configure general settings
- Select Point of Use for Department Inventory > Configuration.
Select the Settings tab.
The General Settings panel is displayed.
Select setting to enable blind counting.
Selecting Yes does not display the QOH during Count Inventory, selecting No displays the QOH during Count Inventory.
Select setting to send information to Billing.
Selecting Yes sends the billing information, selecting No does not send the billing information.
Select settings for Serial/Lot Display in Case.
Selecting Yes displays all available serial/lot numbers associated to the selected department - location. Selecting No does not display the information.
Select setting to allow lot & serial tracked items
Selecting Yes allows users to track items as Lot & Serial-tracked. Items assigned this tracking type may have both lot and serial information.
Selecting No will not allow users to track items as Lot & Serial-tracked.
Note: If at least one transaction has been created for a lot & serial tracked item, you will no longer be able to modify the 'Allow Lot & Serial tracked setting' to "NO". -
Select settings for Chart Segment Display under Dashboards.
Selecting per Department will generate the Dashboards data up to department (highest level). Selecting per Location will drill-down the Dashboards data up to location (lowest level).
Select setting to allow UOM changes even with transactions.
Selecting Yes enables changing of the UOM and the Conversion Factor.
Selecting No disables changing of the UOM and the Conversion Factor.
Note: UOM changes can only be allowed when the item has no open transactions and the item has no Quantity-on-Hand. -
Select the setting to allow the adding of special items from the FSM Contract
Management module in POUDI. This setting is only visible if connected to FSM.
Selecting Yes enables searching and adding of active FSM contract special items to POUDI.
Selecting No disables searching and adding of active FSM contract special items to POUDI.
Added FSM contract special items will be treated similar to special items in POUDI.
Select setting to interface supply information from Case transactions to Electronic
Medical Records (EMR) system.
Selecting Yes enables the interface of supply information from Case transactions with the EMR system.Selecting No disables the interface.Only the Case transactions released in web and handheld are interfaced with the EMR system.
Select the temperature UOM setting.
Available options are Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin. Default selected is Fahrenheit.
Select to require the Implant Type selection in Build Case.
Selecting Yes will require users to identify if the implant item is an internal or external implant.
Selecting No will not require users to identify if the implant item is an internal or external implant.
This information will also be sent to the EMR system.
Select method of replenishment request generation.
Selecting By Department Location can initiate the replenishment request based on the specific department location.
Selecting By Department can initiate the replenishment request for a department.
- Click Save to save your changes.