Information generated by Point of Use for Nursing for the billing system

Infor POU requires the use of these supported events and fields:

Infor supported HL7 events

Event Description
PO3 Post Detail Financial Transactions

Infor generated fields

Infor generated field Description
Sending Application The name of the application where the messages are coming from
Facility The name of the facility
Message Type HL7 Message and Event
Patient ID Unique patient identification number
Patient Name (Family Name^Given Name^Middle Name)
Birthdate Date of birth
Patient Account Number Account number assigned by accounting to which all changes are recorded
Patient Class Categorization of patients by site
Patient Visit Number Unique identification number for patient visit
Transaction Batch ID Batch ID generated by SDI
Transaction Date Date of the transaction
Transaction Type CG - Charge or CD -Credit
Transaction Code CDM Number or HCPC
Transaction Quantity Quantity of the transaction
Item Number Item Number from FSM or Infor Lawson Procurement
Item Description Item Description from FSM or Infor Lawson Procurement
Item Amount Transaction Amount
Revenue Code The code that identifies the department
Infor generated field Segment-Seq No (HL7 v2.5.1) Data length PO3
Sending Application MSH-3 20 R
Facility MSH-4 20 R
Patient ID PID-3 15 R
Patient Name PID-5 20 R
Birthdate PID-7 194^30^26 O
Patient Account Number PID-18 20 O
Patient Class PV1-2 20 R
Patient Visit Number PV1-19 1 O
Transaction Batch ID FTI-3 20 R
Transaction Date FTI-4 24 R
Transaction Type FTI-6 24 R
Transaction Code FTI-7 8 O
Transaction Quantity FTI-10 80 O
Item Number FTI-xx* 32 O
Item Description FTI-xx* 100 O
Item Amount FTI-12 16 O
Revenue Code FTI-13 13 R

R - Required

O - Optional

* - Additional information from POU system and may be mapped to a selected FTI segment depending on the needs of the customer.

POU Nursing billing tables to HL7 messages mapping

Infor required field MSCM table column DFT segment (Billing System) Segment subcomponent
Sending Application SENDING_APP MSH-3 Namespace ID
Facility SENDING_FACILITY MSH-4 Namespace ID
Patient Identifier List PATIENT_NO PID-3 ID Number
Patient Name




PID-5 Family Name^Given Name^Middle Name
Date/Time of Birth PATIENT_BDATE PID-7
Patient Account Number PATIENT_ACCT_NO PID-18 ID Number
Patient Class PATIENT_CLASS PV1-2
Patient Assigned Location



Visit Number VISIT_NO PV1-19 ID Number
Admit Date ADMIT_DATE PV1-44
Discharge Date DISCHARGE_DATE PV1-45
Transaction Batch ID BATCH_ID FT1-3
Transaction Date / Procedure Date and Time SCHEDULED_DATE FT1-4 and PR1-5
Transaction Type TRANS_TYPE FT1-6
Transaction Code TRANS_CODE FT1-7 or FT1-25
Transaction Quantity QUANTITY FT1-10
Item Number



Additional information from POU system and may be mapped to a selected FTI segment depending on the needs of the customer.

Item Description



Additional information from POU system and may be mapped to a selected FTI segment depending on the needs of the customer.

Item Amount AMOUNT FT1-12
Revenue Code REVENUE_CODE FT1-13