Printing items
Click on Label Management and select the Items tab after clicking Print
Labels to bring you to the items search page.
This page contains these search criteria:
Company list (Required)
Item Label Type (select either of the five: Par Items, Stock Items, Chargeable Items, Department Inventory Items, or Special Items)
Location Details section which contains these fields:
Facility (required) and Department (required) fields on top of Location field if the selected Item Label Type is Special Items
- Location (Required)
- Sub Location (optional) field at the right of the Location field if the selected Item Label Type is either Par Items, Stock Items, Chargeable Items, or Department Inventory Items
Note: The Item field is required if Select All is selected in the Location drop-down. -
Item Details which contains:
Item ID
Note: The Item ID is automatically created using uppercase characters. -
Item Description
Manufacturer Name (POU for Par, Stock, Department Inventory, and Chargeable Items)
Revenue Center (POU for Par & Stock) or Department (POU for Department Inventory)
Manufacturer No. (POU for Par, Stock, Department Inventory, and Chargeable Items)
Note: The Manufacturer Number s automatically created using uppercase characters. -
CDM No. (POU for Par & Stock) or Charge Number (POU for Department Inventory)
Click Search.
Note: If the Location criteria is Select All and an Item is labeled as Identified, the page returns the list of location where the item is associated to.
Select the items you want to print and click on Print Labels.
Note: The CDM Number field and Revenue Center list is only available when POU is installed.
Click Search Again to go back to Search Item page.
Click Return to list to go back to search results list.