Modifying revenue centers
- Click Point of Use for Nursing > Configuration.
Select Revenue Center and click Modify tab.
The Modify Revenue Center section is displayed.
- Using the Company list, select from the list of available companies the revenue center you want to modify.
You can also modify either by revenue center or by item (using the By
Revenue Center tab or the By Item tab).
If you choose to modify the revenue center through the By Revenue
Center tab, the list of revenue center and its corresponding chargeable items is
displayed in the table.
When a revenue center is selected, the list of associated items are also displayed. Perform the necessary changes on the Revenue Center elements. You can also cancel all changes made on the revenue center.
You can also copy items from the available revenue center by selecting an available revenue center and then selecting the items to be copied.
If you choose modifying by item, the list of Item IDs, Description,
and Revenue Center is displayed.
The Item ID is automatically created in uppercase characters.
For the selected item, selecting the Set Patient Price will replace the currently displayed patient price with the patient price that was set in the text box field.
For the selected item, use the Set POU UOM function to replace the currently displayed UOM with the selected UOM. The list of associated revenue centers is also displayed.
You can perform the task of adding another revenue center by using the Add Revenue Centers function.
If you choose to modify the revenue center through the By Revenue
Center tab, the list of revenue center and its corresponding chargeable items is
displayed in the table.
- To view other items, on the Go to Page field, select a page and use the Go function.
Click Save to save changes.
For more information on how to update revenue centers in bulk, see the Mobile Solutions Data Batch Upload User Guide.