Retrieving or generating JSON file containing outbound transaction errors


  1. Install the Postman application.

    Go to official Postman website to download and install the Postman application. You can also download the official documentation of Postman in their website.

  2. Get the Authorization Public Key and Authorization Secret Key values in the Data Service Properties section of Administration > System Management or Tenant Settings of MSCM Services Page.
  1. Open the Postman application.
  2. Create a new collection and add a new request to open the Request tab.
  3. In the URL bar, select GET and specify the corresponding URL:

    To generate JSON file that will contain Error Log list, specify


    To generate JSON file that will contain Error Log list info (table columns), specify


    To generate JSON file containing Error Log list with filtered date, specify:

    https://<host>/mscmdata/service/data/ErrorLog/list?filters=CREATION_DT::yyyymmdd or

    https://<host>/mscmdata/service/data/ErrorLog/list?filters=CREATION_DT::yyyymmddhhmm (hh in 24 hr format)

    To generate JSON file with Message type and error message, specify:


  4. Locate the Authorization and select OAuth 1.0 value in the Type.
  5. In the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret fields, specify the Authorization Public Key and the Authorization Secret Key values respectively. These values can be found in MSCM Service Page > Additional Settings > Data Service Properties.
  6. In the Headers, specify this information in the Key and Value columns:
    For https://<host>/mscmdata/service/data/ErrorLog/list/info (to get Error log list info), specify this information:

    Key: X-Infor-TenantId

    Value: <Tenant ID value>

    Key: Content-Type

    Value: application/json

    For other error logs/list (Error Log List, Error log with filtered date and Error Log with message type and message) specify this information:

    Key: X-Infor-TenantId

    Value: <Tenant ID value>

    Key: Accept

    Value: text/csv

  7. Go to Body and select raw.
  8. Click Send. Result of the update will display in the Response section.