Setting up the print agent as a service using a batch (.bat) file

This is an alternative method to use Apache Daemon when launching the print agent as a service.

The batch file is available in the printeragent folder which can be downloaded from MSCM application. Apache Daemon is already included in the file.

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder where the service.bat file is located.
  2. Specify service install and click Enter.
  3. Specify the printer agent path or click Enter for the default value.
  4. Specify the print agent properties file.
  5. Specify the service name or click Enter for the default value.
  6. Specify the service description or click Enter for the default value.
  7. Specify the JVM DLL file path.

    For Java 8, the location of jvm.dll is <JDK home>/jre/bin/server

    For Java 11, the location of jvm.dll is <JDK home>/bin/server

  8. Open the Windows Services console.
  9. Locate the print agent service then right click and select Properties.
  10. Go to the Logon tab and select Local System account.
  11. Click Apply then click OK.