Adding a POU workstation
Note: You should have a Point
of Use - Add Workstation user role.
- Select Point of Use for Nursing.
- Click configuration and select Workstations. The Add Workstation page is displayed.
From the Company dropdown list, select from the list of available
Note: You can select a default revenue center from the choices displayed in the list.
- Specify the value for your workstation in the Workstation Name field.
- Specify the host name or computer name in the Hostname field.
- Select a supply location from the All Supply Locations list and move them to the Assigned Supply Locations.
Select a Facility to display associated patient locations in All
Patient Location list then select and move them to Assigned Patient Location.
Note: You can add more than one supply location and patient location per workstation.Note: Ensure sure that at least one supply location and one patient location has been assigned to the workstation.
Set the workstation's idle time and assign a default revenue
Note: To allow users to select other Revenue Centers, select "Allow selection of Revenue Center" check box. The check box is enabled only if there is a default Revenue Center selected.
Click Save to save your changes.
For more information on how to import workstations in bulk, see the Mobile Solutions Data Batch Upload User Guide.