Logging in to the printer agent
- Launch the printer agent GUI.
Specify this information:
- Username
Specify the username you used to log in to MSCM.
- Password
Specify the password you used to log in to MSCM.
Note: Username should have Admin credentials. -
Click Sign In.
Note: The printer agent should be activated at all times to ensure that all print jobs are printed. To keep the printer agent running but hidden, click minimize.
A notification is displayed once the auto update interval runs and detects a new version of the Printer Agent is available. Click Update in the Settings tab to activate the auto-update process.
- Click Settings tab.
- Select a company to display associated printers, report and label printers, in the All Printers list and select and move them to Assigned Printers.
Click Save.
Note: In case the printer (report or label) is assigned to multiple printer agents, the first available printer agent will queue the document/label to the printer.