Replacing values from MSCM migration in the Postman application

  1. Open the Postman application and create a new collection.
  2. Click add a new request to open the Request tab.
  3. In the URL field, select POST and specify this information:
    Item Group update
    Specify https://host:[port]/mscmdata/service/data/ItemGroupMigration/update. For example,
    PO Number update
    Specify https://host:[port]/mscmdata/service/data/PurchaseOrderMigration/update. For example,
    Vendor Group update
    Specify https://host:[port]/mscmdata/service/data/VendorGroupMigration/update. For example,
    Procurement Group update
    Specify https://host:[port]/mscmdata/service/data/ProcurementGroupMigration/update. For example,
  4. Locate the Authorization and select OAuth value in the Type.
  5. Specify this information:
    Consumer Key
    Specify the Authorization Public Key value.
    Consumer Secret
    Specify the Authorization Secret Key value.
  6. In the Headers, specify this information in the Key and Value columns:
    Key Content-Type
    Value text/csv
    Key X-Infor-TenantId
    Value <Tenant ID value>
  7. Navigate to Body and select raw.
  8. In the text area of Body, paste the content or data from the CSV file and click Send. The result of the update will display in the Response section.