Troubleshoot Direct IOS/EJB calls
- Log into the Lawson System Foundation (LSF) WebSphere admin console.
- Expand Applications menu.
- Select the IOS application and click Update.
Browse to the IOS-ws.ear file in GENDIR/assembly/components/ear.
- Follow the prompts and accept all default settings.
- Save the changes to the master configuration.
- Save your changes.
Run dumpnamespace* again to verify if the issue was resolved.
If the issue was resolved, you do not need to restart LSF WebSphere.
Go to the MSCM server and verify that the "Delta calculation completed" message is displayed.
If the message is not displayed, restart the MSCM WebSphere.
Note:If dumpnamespace still fails with the same error message in the namespace.out output, do a complete uninstall/reinstall of the IOS application, restart WebSphere and MSCM and perform these additional steps:
Log into the Lawson System Foundation (LSF) WebSphere admin console.
Expand Applications menu.
Select WebSphere enterprise applications ><IOS application name>.
Click Manage Modules and take a screen shot.
Click Cancel to go back to the IOS application screen.
Click Virtual Hosts and take a screen shot.
Click Cancel to return to the main WebSphere enterprise applications screen.
Select the IOS application and click Uninstall.
Follow the prompts and save the changes to the master configuration.
Install a new IOS application.
Accept all the default prompts and navigate to the IOS-ws.ear file located in GENDIR/assembly/components/ear.
Select the same Modules/Servers and Virtual Host so that those screen match the screen shots you took earlier
Save the changes.
Recycle the WebSphere application server(s) for LSF.12.
Optionally, run dumpnamespace* again to verify if issue has been resolved.