Performing the system prerequisites after migration

  1. Install Postman application. Refer to their official website and documentation. The Postman tool is utilized to execute the updating of Item Group and/or PO Number.
  2. Get the Authorization Public Key and Authorization Secret Key values in the Data Service Properties section of Administration > System Management or Tenant Settings of the MSCM Services Page.
  3. Prepare the data to update in CSV format. This can be done through Excel or Spreadsheet Editor.
    1. These headers should be used for Item Group:


      LEGACY_ITEM_GROUP refers to the legacy Item Group which will be replaced with a new value and MIGRATED_ITEM_GROUP refers to the new Item Group that replaces the legacy item group.

    2. These headers should be used for PO Number:


      COMPANY_NO refers to the Company where legacy PO number belongs.

      LEGACY_PO_NUMBER refers to the legacy PO number from SCM.

      MIGRATED_PO_NUMBER refers to the newly assigned PO number in FSM

      LEGACY_PO_CODE refers to the PO Code value of the old PO, this is an optional header/field

      LEGACY_PO_RELEASE refers to the PO Release value of the old PO, this is an optional header/field

    3. These headers should be used for Vendor Group:


      LEGACY_VENDOR_GROUP refers to the legacy Vendor Group which will be replaced with a new value

      MIGRATED_VENDOR_GROUP refers to the new Vendor Group that replaces the legacy vendor group.

      Both of the headers must have values.

    4. These headers should be used for Procurement Group:


      COMPANY_NO refers to the company where its procurement group will be updated. This is an optional column when running update of procurement group, however required to have value once added as header.

      LEGACY_PROCUREMENT_GROUP refers to the legacy Procurement Group which will be replaced with a new value. This is a required column header for the update.

      MIGRATED_PROCUREMENT_GROUP refers to the new Procurement Group that replaces the legacy procurement group. This is a required column header for the update.