Adding cycle count in Android

  1. On the MPC Home page, tap the options menu (three bars) icon. The MPC sidebar panel is displayed.
  2. Tap Cycle Count. The Select ID List screen is displayed.
  3. To change a company:
    1. Tap the options menu (three dots) icon.
    2. Tap Change Company. The Change Company page is displayed.
    3. Select the company:
      1. Tap the company from the list.
      2. Optionally, search for a company by specifying the company details on the search filed.

        Tap the company you searched for.

  4. Select and add select ID(s) to count by tapping the plus icon.

    The Add Select ID screen is displayed.

  5. Select the ID for counting and tap OK.

    Optionally, you can tap on the options menu and tap Select All to add all IDs in the list or tap Clear All to cancel your selections.

  6. On the Select ID List screen, tap the select ID that was added.
  7. On the Item Details screen, specify a value in the Count field to start counting.
    The PPE label is displayed to indicate if the item is identified as a PPE item.
    Note:  If the item was created in FSM, the PPE label contains either a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in FSM.

    If the item was created in Infor Lawson and the Enable PPE Flag is tagged, the PPE label displays a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in Infor Lawson. Refer to the Mobile Supply Chain Management and POU Administration Guide for more information.

    Transaction UOM is displayed if it is used in creating the count form. Otherwise, Stock UOM is displayed.

    For bin tracked items with physical inventory bins, the display sequence will be the main bin followed by physical inventory bins. Specify the counts accordingly.

  8. Tap Next to specify the count for the next item.

    Tap Done when finished counting.

  9. On the Select ID List screen, send the counted Select IDs for counting by tapping on the inline icon in row.