Par location

A par location represents supply cupboards, exchange carts, and par level supply carts that store established quantities of supplies. The location can be a stationary or mobile supply area. The stationary supply area can be a closet, a shelf or shelves, or a non-moving cart. The mobile supply area can be a par level cart or an exchange cart. Par locations use a replenishment process that brings stock-on-hand quantities up to a par level. Par location is synonymous with par form.

Par locations are set up in Supply Chain Management with unique qualities similar to requisition templates. A par location stores established quantities of supplies in predefined arrangements. Par location processing simplifies transaction processing for frequent turnover areas in health care companies.

An exchange cart is an identical floor or stocking cart that is used to quickly replenish supplies by swapping it with another fully stocked cart. For inventory valuation purposes, the system doubles item quantities for an exchange cart.

A par level cart is a supply cart that is replenished to the par level.