Running Par Counts report
- Select Par Counting in the Par and Cycle Counting menu.
- Select Reports under Par Counting. The Search for Par Counts Report page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Company
Select the company you want to search.
- Par Location
Select the par location you want to search.
- Loc Description
Specify the specific description of the par location you want to search for.
- Time Submitted: From: Day
Specify the date for the start of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Time Submitted: From: Time
Specify the time for the start of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in hh:mm format.
- Time Submitted: To: Day
Specify the date for the end of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Time Submitted: To: Time
Specify the time for the end of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in hh:mm format.
- Counted By: User ID
Select the user ID of the counter you want to search.
- Containing: Item ID
Specify the item ID you want to search for.
- Containing: Qty Requested
Select the quantity requested you want to search.
All – Displays all quantity levels.
At Par Level – Displays quantities that the administrator has designated for par level.
Additional Quantity– Displays quantities that are beyond par level.
- Replenish Request: Type
Select the par form type you want to search for.
All – Displays all par forms.
Pick for Par – Displays par forms that the administrator has designated Pick for Par.
Par Count – Displays par forms that are not designated as Pick for Par.
- Replenish Request: Status
Select the status you want to search for.
- Click Search. The Review Par Counts page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Search Again
Click this button to specify a new search criteria.
- Export to Excel
Click this button to export the selected report to an Excel spreadsheet.
Print the list.
- Click Count Details to view the details for the selected par count. The Par Counts page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Search Again
Click this button to specify a new search criteria.
Click this button to print the selected report.
- Export to Excel
Click this button to export the selected report to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Return to List
Click this button to return to display the previous search results.
- Resend
If displayed, click this button to resend upload errors.
Note: In case of an upload error because of FSM connection issue or FSM service unavailability at the time of handheld submission, click the Resend button to re-process when FSM becomes available.