Running Par Counts report

  1. Select Par Counting in the Par and Cycle Counting menu.
  2. Select Reports under Par Counting. The Search for Par Counts Report page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:

    Select the company you want to search.

    Par Location

    Select the par location you want to search.

    Loc Description

    Specify the specific description of the par location you want to search for.

    Time Submitted: From: Day

    Specify the date for the start of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in mm/dd/yyyy format.

    Time Submitted: From: Time

    Specify the time for the start of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in hh:mm format.

    Time Submitted: To: Day

    Specify the date for the end of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in mm/dd/yyyy format.

    Time Submitted: To: Time

    Specify the time for the end of the range of synchronization from handheld to server you are searching for in hh:mm format.

    Counted By: User ID

    Select the user ID of the counter you want to search.

    Containing: Item ID

    Specify the item ID you want to search for.

    Containing: Qty Requested

    Select the quantity requested you want to search.

    • All – Displays all quantity levels.

    • At Par Level – Displays quantities that the administrator has designated for par level.

    • Additional Quantity– Displays quantities that are beyond par level.

    Replenish Request: Type

    Select the par form type you want to search for.

    • All – Displays all par forms.

    • Pick for Par – Displays par forms that the administrator has designated Pick for Par.

    • Par Count – Displays par forms that are not designated as Pick for Par.

    Replenish Request: Status

    Select the status you want to search for.

  4. Click Search. The Review Par Counts page is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    Search Again

    Click this button to specify a new search criteria.

    Export to Excel

    Click this button to export the selected report to an Excel spreadsheet.


    Print the list.

  6. Click Count Details to view the details for the selected par count. The Par Counts page is displayed.
  7. Specify this information:
    Search Again

    Click this button to specify a new search criteria.


    Click this button to print the selected report.

    Export to Excel

    Click this button to export the selected report to an Excel spreadsheet.

    Return to List

    Click this button to return to display the previous search results.


    If displayed, click this button to resend upload errors.

    Note: In case of an upload error because of FSM connection issue or FSM service unavailability at the time of handheld submission, click the Resend button to re-process when FSM becomes available.