Viewing and printing companies

Infor Receiving and Delivery supports the use of FSM or Infor Lawson Purchasing Companies, as well as companies that are added directly to Location Management.

  1. Select Location Management in the Administration menu.
  2. Select Companies > View/Print.

    The Search for Company to View/Print page is displayed.

  3. Specify this information:

    Select the company you want to view or print.

    Company Description

    Enter the description of the company you want to view or print.


    Select the activity status of the company that you want to view or print.

    Company Association

    Select the association to Procurement of the company you want to view or print.

  4. Click Search to display all the companies that fit your search criteria.

    The Select Company to View/Print page is displayed.

    Click Search Again to perform a new search or click Cancel to discard the changes.

  5. Click View/Print next to the company you want to view or print.

    The View/Print Company page is displayed.

  6. Click Print to print the company information.
  7. Click View/Print to return to the Location Management page.