Viewing replenishment request details from the desktop

  1. Click the corresponding Item ID link of the item you want to view. The Item ID link can be accessed through the Review Replenishment Request page. See Replenishing items from the desktop.

    The Replenishment Request Details page is displayed. Item details such as Item, Par UOM, Minimum Order, Critical Level, and Personal Protective Equipment labels are displayed in the header.

    Note:  The PPE label is displayed to indicate if the item is identified as a PPE item.

    If the item was created in FSM, the PPE label contains either a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in FSM. If the item was created in Infor Lawson and the Enable PPE Flag is tagged, the PPE label displays a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in Infor Lawson. Refer to the Mobile Supply Chain Management and POU Administration Guide for more information.

    Note: You can also view request details in Par Counts report, but will have Replenishment Request Type and Replenishment Status specific to POU only.

    These Replenishment Request Type ( Requisition (auto) ) and Status (Submitted) will only be available if POU is installed and if the Par Location is configured to process par replenishments automatically in POU Configuration.

    These columns provide these information:


    Displays sequence of transaction.

    Transaction Date

    Displays date of transaction in descending order.

    Transaction Type

    Displays Send Replenishment Events: Send Replenishment, Pull, Return, Adjustment (MPC), Adjustment (POU-TS), Adjustment (POU), Receive Replenishment.

    Transaction Qty

    Displays quantity to be processed in the transaction.

    Additional Qty

    Displays additional quantity.


    Displays the item’s quantity on hand during the transaction.

    Pending Qty

    Displays the item’s pending quantity during the transaction.

    Requested Qty

    Displays the item’s requested quantity during the transaction.

    Par Level

    Displays the corresponding par level configured for the item in FSM or Infor Lawson Par Location.


    Displays the First Name and Last Name of the user who performed the transaction.

    Specify this information:


    Returns to the Review Replenishment Requests page.


    Displays preview and lets you print the Replenishment Request Details.

  2. You can also view request details in Par Counts report, but will have Replenishment Request Type and Replenishment Status specific to POU only.