Building a case from the handheld in Android

  1. On the POU home page, tap the options menu (three bars) icon.

    The POU sidebar panel is displayed.

  2. Tap Build Case.

    The Build Case screen is displayed.

  3. Tap Facility and in the list, select the facility.
  4. Tap Department and in the list, select the department.
  5. Tap search button to search the case.
  6. Tap More Options > Change Procedure Room.

    The Select Procedure Room is displayed.

  7. Select a procedure room.
  8. Tap the filter icon to to change the date. Select the From and To dates. Tap Save.
  9. In the list, select a case and tap LOAD.

    The Build Screen is displayed.

  10. Tap ADD PROCEDURE or plus button.

    The Procedures screen is displayed.


    To delete added procedures, Tap More Options menu. Select Edit.

    1. To remove an added procedure, select the procedure and tap Delete.

    2. To remove multiple added procedures, tap More options > Select All > Delete. Tap Clear All to untag all procedures.

    1. Tap ADD PROCEDURE to search for a procedure.

      The Selected Procedures screen is displayed.

    2. Tap a Procedure to select and Tap ADD.

      A confirmation message is displayed.

  11. Tap ADD ITEM to add item(s).

    The Add Item screen is displayed. In the Item field, add an item by specifying the Infor Item Number, Manufacturer Number, or GTIN/HIBC code manually, or by scanning the item barcode.

    Note: If the serial/lot display in case is set to 'Yes' in the configuration settings, available serial/lot numbers (and associated expiration date) found in the selected department-location will be displayed in the serial/lot screen. If the serial/lot display in case is set to 'No', manually specify/scan the serial/lot of the item.

    For items tagged as bone and tissue, the temperature is required. Specify the temperature in the field by specifying it manually.

    If items are identified as an implant, the Implant Type field is enabled. Select Internal or External if the Implant Type is required to be specified.

    1. To view the item details. Tap the item row.

      The item details list screen is displayed.


      To delete item details, Tap More Options menu. Select Edit.

      1. To remove an item detail, select the item detail and tap Delete.

      2. To remove multiple item details, tap More options > Select All > Delete. Tap Clear All to untag all item details.

    2. To update the item details. Tap the item row.

      The item details list screen is displayed. Tap the item detail row, the adjust item screen is displayed. Specify Department-Location, Serial/Lot, Expiration Date and Quantity. Click Update.

      Note: To delete the details, Tap Clear button.
    3. To add the an item detail. Tap the + button, the adjust item screen is displayed. Specify Department-Location, Serial/Lot, Expiration Date and Quantity. Click Add.

      To delete the details, Tap Clear button.

  12. Tap RELEASE.
  13. If item is manually added, users must tap the item and the item details to edit the item details. Tap UPDATE.

    The item details screen is displayed. Tap back button three times to go to navigate to Build Case screen.

  14. Tap RELEASE button to view the SUMMARY screen. Tap CONFIRM to release the case.

    The case is flagged as RELEASED in the Build Case screen.


    To have an accurate inventory data (QOH) for the succeeding case, a case without patient information may be released.

    Saving of a case with the same patient visit number with the same date regardless of the case status is restricted.

    Releasing of a case with future date and time is restricted.

    For cases whose status = 'New' or 'Saved', expiration date validation occurs upon release of the case.