Searching for charge records from the desktop

  1. Under Point of Use for Nursing in the left navigation bar, select Pull and Return.
  2. Click Return. The Search for Charges page is displayed.
  3. Select the company. The Company drop-down lists all Companies that have at least one supply location that user has access to.
  4. Search for the charge information by specifying this information:
    Admission Period

    Specify the admission period to get charge information of all patients admitted within the specified Start and End fields.

    Note: The Admission Period is set as the current date.
    Visit Number

    Specify the visit number of the patient associated with the item charge.

    Note: Make sure that the visit number is assigned to the facility that you have access to.
    Note: Click the Search button beside the Visit Number field to perform a Visit Number search.
    Charge Period

    Specify the (Start and End dates when the item was pulled. This searches charge information specified within the charge period.

    Note: The charge date cannot be after the current date.
    Par Item/Stock Item

    Select Par Item if the return item was pulled from a par location.

    Select Stock Item if the return item was pulled from a stock location.

    Item ID

    Specify the ID of the item to be returned.

    Supply Location

    Select the supply location of the item to be returned.

    Revenue Center

    Select the revenue center of the item to be returned.

    Note: Select Floor Charge if items to be returned were charged to the floor or the nursing unit.
  5. Select Search.
    The View Results page where search results that fit the specified criteria are displayed.