Productivity report settings

  1. To access Productivity Reports, navigate to Administration > Global Reports.

    You can also access Productivity Reports using:

    • Access productivity reports through Par & Cycle Counting by navigating to Par & Cycle Counting > Reports.

    • Access productivity reports through Point of Use for Nursing by navigating to POU for Nursing > POU Reports.

  2. Specify this information:

    Select any or all of these applications: Par and Cycle Counting and Point of Use for Nursing, Receiving and Delivery.


    Specify the information to properly select your operators/users. For more information, refer to Selecting the operators/users

    Group By

    Select report results by filtering results either by Operator or Activity.

    Report Start Date

    Use the calendar to indicate the start date of a specific report.

    End Date

    Use the calendar to indicate the end date for a specific report.


    You can save search parameters to utilize as input parameters. There is no need to populate and repopulate search parameters every time you reopen the Productivity Reporting tool.

  3. Click Save/Select button to save report settings.
  4. Specify the Report Settings Name and click Save.

    You can select the Report Settings the next time you run productivity reports.