Required information from other third-party systems

Infor POU supports CSU messages coming other third party systems.

Infor required fields

These are the required fields coming from third party systems that may contain additional data like item information and usage quantity.

Infor generated field Description
Sending Application The name of the application where the CSU messages are coming from
Facility The name of the Facility
Message Type HL7 Message and Event
Patient ID Unique patient identification number
Patient Name

Name of the patient

Family Name^Given Name^Middle Name

Birthdate Date of birth
Patient Account Number Account number assigned by accounting to which all charges are recorded
Patient Class Categorization of patients by site
Assigned Location

Location where the procedure was performed.



Practitioner who will perform the case.

ID Number

Patient Visit Number Unique identification number for this visit
Case ID Unique ID of the case
Schedule Date/Time Date and time of the case

Name of the procedure that will be performed.

Procedure Code^Description^Charge Code

CPT Modifier Modifier Code^Modifier Description
Observation Identifier Procedure Code
Observation Value Item Number, GTIN, HBIC or Manufacturer Catalog^Lot Number^Serial Number^Quantity^UOM^Expiration Date^Location Code^Department Code

POU field requirements for CSU events

Infor required field Segment-Seq No (HL7 v2.5.1) Data Length C10/C12
Sending Application MSH-3 20 R
Facility MSH-4 20 R**
Message Type MSH-9 15 R
Patient ID PID-3 20 R
Patient Name PID-5 194^30^26 O
Birthdate PID-7 24 O
Patient Account Number PID-18 20 O
Patient Class PV1-2 1 R
Assigned Location PV1-3 20^20^20^20 R**
Practitioner PV1-7 15 O
Patient Visit Number PV1-19 20 O
Case ID CSR-1 20 R
Schedule Date/Time CSS-2 24 R
Procedure OBR-44 20^199^20 O
CPT Modifier OBX-45 250 O
Observation Identifier OBX-3 20 O
Observation Value OBX-5 32^20^20^13^4^24^20^20 O

R = Required

O = Optional (Value will be processed if not blank)

R** = User needs to choose whether to use the HL7 Facility value from MSH-4 or PV1-3. This needs to be set up in Cloverleaf.

Infor supported HL7 events for POU for Department Inventory

Event Description
C10 Patient completes the clinical trial
C12 Update/correction of patient order/result information

HL7 Messages Mapping to MSCM Database Tables

Infor required field ADT Segment (ADT System) SIU Segment (Scheduling System) CSU Segment (Data Mgt System) Segment Subcomponent MSCM Table Column
Sending Application MSH-3 MSH-3 MSH-3 Namespace ID SENDING_APP
Facility MSH-4 MSH-4 MSH-4 Namespace ID FACILITY_CODE
Message Type MSH-9 MSH-9 MSH-9 Message Type MESSAGE_TYPE
Patient Identifier List PID-3 PID-3 PID-3 ID Number PATIENT_NO
Patient Name PID-5 PID-5 PID-5 Family Name PATIENT_LNAME
Date/Time of Birth PID-7 PID-7 PID-7 PATIENT_BDATE
Patient Account Number PID-18 PID-18 PID-18 ID Number PATIENT_ACCT_NO
Patient Class PV1-2 PV1-2 PV1-2 PATIENT_CLASS
Assigned Patient Location PV1-3 AIL-3 PV1-3 Point of Care DEPT_CODE
Visit Number PV1-19 PV1-19 PV1-19 ID Number VISIT_NO
Admit Date PV1-44 -o- -o- ADMIT_DATE
Discharge Date PV1-45 -o- -o- DISCHARGE_DATE
Prior Patient ID MRG-1 -o- -o- ID Number PRIOR_PATIENT_NO
Prior Patient Acct Number MRG-3 -o- -o- ID Number PRIOR_PATIENT_ACCT_NO
Schedule / Study ID -o- SCH-5 CSR-1 Identifier CASE_NO
Filler Status Code -o- SCH-25 -o- Identifier CASE_STATUS
Universal Service Identifier -o- AIS3 OBR-44 Procedure Code PROCEDURE_CODE
Procedure Description PROCEDURE_DESC
Procedure Charge Code CHARGE_CODE
Filler Status Code -o- AIS-10 -o- Procedure Status PROCEDURE_STATUS
CPT Modifier -o- -o- OBR-45 CPT Modifier Code PROCEDURE_MOD_CODE
Observation Identifier -o- -o- OBX-3 Procedure Code PROCEDURE_CODE
Observation Value -o- -o- OBX-5 Item Code from MSCM ITEM_CODE
Serial Number SERIAL_NO
Lot Number LOT_NO
Expiration Date EXP_DATE