Recording par counts

Use this procedure to record par counts with the handheld terminal application.

Before you record par counts with the handheld application, you or your administrator must configure Par Counting and print par labels in the application. See Configuring par counting, Modifying My Par Forms, and Printing par labels for more information.

Note: When Item Lifecycle Management is enabled a blue alert button or icon will appear for items set to status of warning. Items set to warning will be allowed to be used in transaction. A red alert button or icon will appear for items set to status of hard error. Items set to hard error will not be allowed to be used in transactions. This is only available on Android.
Procedure flow: Par counting on handheld
  1. From the Main Menu, tap Par Count.

    The Download Par Forms screen is displayed.

  2. Select the company ID from the list and tap All Par forms button to view the par locations available for your company.

    Tap My Par Forms to view the par forms set up for you by your administrator.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the par locations you want to count and tap Download.

    The Ready to Count screen is displayed.


    You can also scan location labels to select the par locations you wish to count.

  4. Select the par location row you want to count in the list and tap Count.

    To go to a specific item that you want to count, scan the bar code label for the item.

    The Par Location screen is displayed.


    You can also scan Location labels to select the par location.

    Specify this information:

    QOO (Quantity on Order)

    The QOO field displays only for companies that are configured to display this field.

    If this is a vendor-replenished item, the quantity on order is shown.

    If this is an inventory-replenished item, zero will display in the field.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    The PPE label is displayed to indicate if the item is identified as a PPE item.
    Note:  If the item was created in FSM, the PPE label contains either a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in FSM.

    If the item was created in Infor Lawson and the Enable PPE Flag is tagged, the PPE label displays a Yes or No value. The value depends on the PPE tagging of the item in Infor Lawson. Refer to the Mobile Supply Chain Management and POU Administration Guide for more information.

  5. In the Count field, specify the count. You can also use the Up or Down arrow keys to increase or decrease the count. Specify this information:
    Add. Qty. (Additional Quantity)

    Add. Qty is displayed only if you have rights to the Above Par role.

    Specify the additional request quantity. You can also use the Up or Down arrow keys to increase or decrease the count.

    The highest number you can specify in this field is determined in the Above Par setup. For example, depending on the factor specified in setup, you might be able to specify three times the normal par quantity.

  6. Tap the Next arrow to count the next item.

    Tap List to view all counts for the current par form.


    You can also scan Item or Shelf labels to navigate through the list.

  7. Tap Done when you have finished the current par form.

    The Ready to Count page is displayed.

  8. Specify this information:
    Blank Circle

    This indicates that the par form has not yet been counted.

    Half-filled Circle

    This indicates that the par form was partially counted.

    Full Circle

    This indicates that the Par From was fully counted

  9. Continue counting par items for the remaining par forms using the same steps.
  10. Select the check boxes of the completed par counts you want to send to the main server and tap Send.
  11. When the system prompts you to send the par forms, tap Yes. .

    The system displays a progress bar showing the synchronization with server.

  12. When the system displays a message telling you that the par counts have been sent, tap OK.
  13. If you are finished counting par forms, tap Exit.