Viewing alerts, tasks, and notifications

All open tasks, notifications, and alerts for the current user are displayed with the most recent first and sorted by creation date. This is the default view.

When a new message is received, a red dot appears on the envelope icon from the Infor Ming.le menu.

The list of messages is grouped based on the creation date using predefined groups:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • The name of the 5 days before yesterday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). For each of these days, show the message created between 00:00 AM till 24:00 PM of this day, according to user's local time zone.
  • Older

You can change the sorting of the list by clicking the sort icon. In this case, the sorting of the time groups is also changed.

In each list of messages, you can perform these tasks:

  • Search on a text contained in the message of the alert, task, or notification.
  • Filter the list of messages. Click the filter icon to open a panel with filter options specific to each list type.
  • Take actions on each message in the list.
  • Select several messages and apply bulk actions.

Click each item in the list to view its details. On the details screen, you can see the full alert, task, or notification message, action buttons and a set of attributes, drillbacks and structures that are modeled by the business administrator when the alert, task, or notifications are defined. A task can also contain input fields. Additionally, panels for attachments and notes are available, and for tasks a panel showing the workflow progress.

See Procedures for more details.