Email notifications

If configured, you will receive email notifications for tasks, notifications, and alerts that are distributed to you.

An email notification is generated by these events:

  • A new alert, task, or notification is created.
  • A task or alert is assigned to you (by yourself or by another user).
  • An assigned task or alert is unassigned by another user.
  • An alert or task is escalated.
  • An alert or task reminder about its due date is sent.
  • An alert or task was delegated to you by somebody else.
  • A task or alert is re-distributed and you were added to the distribution list.

There is no email notification when a task, alert, or notification is closed or canceled.

You cannot respond to email notifications or take actions from emails.

The email format is pre-defined. These emails contain the task, notification, or alert summary and its details including the notes. You can customize the email contents and to provide translations for the languages used by the Infor Ming.le users. The feature to provide customized email translations is not available in the Infor Regulated Industries SaaS (IRIS).

See the Infor ION Desk User Guide for details.