Adding a security access profile

The Security Access Profiles feature enables an administrator to manage and override the general security privileges granted to every user. These privileges allow you to set which IP addresses can accessInfor OS, which hours users can access Infor OS, associate users with a security profile, and set idle timeouts for users.

To access Security Access Profiles and add a security access profile:

  1. Click the User Menu icon.
  2. Select User Management.
  3. Select the collapsed menu icon.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. Select Master Data Types.
  6. Select Security Access Profiles.
  7. Click the plus icon.
  8. Enter the Name and Description of the user.
    Note: The Idle Session Time-Out field is optional and logs the user out due to inactivity based on a value range of 5 to 470 minutes.
    These tabs are accessible after clicking the plus icon when creating a security access profile:
    • Login IP Range: With this tab, you can give users the ability to log in based on the IP address or ranges that are listed here. Clicking the plus icon on this tab generates the Add Item dialog box. Adding an item allows you to:
      • Select an IP range with a minimum and maximum IP address.
      • Select a specific IP address.
    • Login Hours: On this tab, administrators can dictate when users log in to Infor OS based on specified hours. The time zone drop-down can be set to your system default or one of 84 preset time zones. You have the option to set a user’s start and end time, as well as whether the user's access is active all day, has a selected set of hours, or has no access all day. Selecting All Day Access or All Day No Access makes the Start and End Time dropdown menus unable to be edited. Selecting Clear Times reverts to your selected time zone. The table below illustrates the layout of the login hours tab.
      Time Zone
      Day Start Time End Time
      • Selected Hours
      • All Day Access
      • All Day No Access
      • Clear Times
    • User: Associates users with a security access profile. Clicking the plus icon generates a dialog box that allows you to perform a keyword search for individual users. Keywords are determined by name or email address.

      You can use these options to enable users to import or export specific user information:

      • Import: Enables users to import users by using .CSV or .XML files. The file must include a header row that includes Username and Email ID.
      • Export: Enables users to export users using .CSV or .XML files.
  9. Click Save to save the profile.