Widget settings

NameDefault valueDescription
Edit banner widgets True Authorizes users to add, remove, and resize widgets in page banners. This setting has no effect if the Banner Widget feature is turned off.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Note: This setting does not affect if users can configure a banner widget.
Publish widgets to the Widget CatalogFalseAuthorizes a user to publish a widget to the Widget Catalog.

A user with the HOMEPAGES-Administrator or HOMEPAGES-ContentAdministrator role always has full permission to published content. The owner of any published content also has full permissions.

Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Display restricted widgets on a page True A restricted widget is one that the user does not have permission to access.

By default, displays restricted widgets on the page as unauthorized to the user.

The administrator can change the configuration to false to hide the restricted widgets from view.

This setting does not affect unavailable widgets.

View and publish widgets for Infor Go True Controls if widgets enabled for mobile devices are available in Infor Go. If this setting is off, you cannot enable widgets for mobile devices when publishing.