
To use the Task Viewer context application, users must have the Mingle-LocatorView security role.

To show workflow information in the context of one application, the Task Viewer application is listening to inforBusinessContext messages. The following information is being searched for in the messages:

  • If the "entities" structure contains the "workflowID":"12345" element, the information about the workflow instance with the specified ID is displayed.
  • If the "entityType": "InforWorkflow" and "id1": "12345" elements, where id1 is a valid workflow ID, are found in a message, the information about the workflow instance with the specified ID is displayed.
  • If the "bodReference" structure is present, the "documentID," "accountingEntity," and "location" elements from this structure are used to determine if there have been workflows started for this document and to display workflow information.