Task due dates

Tasks can have a due date, which is configured in the ION workflows. The tasks due date is displayed next to the task creation date. On the Configure Widget overlay panel you can additionally filter on the Due Date property:

  • All: show all tasks, with or without a due date
  • Overdue: show all tasks for which the due date is in the past compared to the current time (up to hours)
  • Today: show all tasks that have the due date the same as the current day, based on the user locale
  • Tomorrow: show all tasks have the due date the same as the current day plus one day, based on the user locale
  • Later: show all tasks that have a due date later than what is specified as Tomorrow

In Workflow, escalation events that can happen before, on, or after the alert due date can be specified. The escalation information can be sent to any other Infor Ming.le user.

Tasks that are escalated related to a due date are labeled escalated. Escalated tasks do not have a count of the escalation levels.