Workflow Viewer widget

You can add the Workflow Viewer widget from the Widget Catalog to your Homepage. The Workflow Viewer widget shows the workflow status diagram for a task, notification, or workflow item selected in another widget from the same page.

By default, no content is displayed in this widget pane. You must click the workflow icon for a task from one of the widgets: Task List, Task Manager, Task Watcher, Notification List, or Start Workflows, to display the workflow status diagram associated with the selected task, notification, or workflow.

The workflow activity for the selected task or notification is highlighted in the diagram. The name, status, and other relevant properties of each workflow activity are shown in the diagram. For Task Chain workflow activities, click the badge with the count of approvers to view the previous approver names and see if they have approved or rejected the activity. The diagram includes a legend explaining the status codes for each element in the diagram. You can click the refresh button to refresh the status of the running workflow from the Workflow Viewer widget.

On the Configure Widget overlay panel you can select to enable features to expand all sub-process elements in the workflow diagram and to highlight the path taken from the beginning of the workflow to the current task or notification. You can also specify the default zoom to be on the selected activity for which the diagram is displayed, or the whole diagram. If the default zoom is on the selected activity, you can specify if the diagram should be aligned to the top, center, or bottom of the widget display area.