Views and filtering

The Streams Activity page has options that you can use to modify the view and filter the streams that are displayed:

Use the Show: drop-down list to switch the display between My Streams and All Streams views:

  • My Streams - Includes all public and private streams assigned to you as "stream owner" or "participant." This view is shown by default.
  • All Streams - Includes all public streams and the private streams assigned to you as "stream owner" or "participant."

Change the layout of the Streams page by selecting the Tile View or List View option.

  • Tile View - Displays the streams in a grid of tiles.
  • List View - Displays the s streams in a table list.

Use the Filter By: icons to filter the streams by running, completed, canceled, or not started status.

  • Running - Streams with a running status are ongoing conversations addressing a business topic.
  • Completed - Streams with completed status are concluded conversations addressing a business topic.
  • Canceled - Streams with canceled status are conversations addressing a business topic that are no longer applicable.
  • Not started - Streams with a not started status are conversations addressing a business topic that have not yet started.

Type keywords in the keyword filter text box to filter the streams by keyword.