Understanding connections

In Infor Ming.le, users with whom you establish a connection are called connections.

To become a connection with another user, you send a notification to the user, and the user accepts the notification. Your notification is called a connection request. When you send the connection request, users can see it on their feed page and in their notifications, if they choose to receive connection request notifications in their profile. Users can accept or decline the connection request from either of these pages. When a user accepts the request, the user's name is displayed as a Connection on your Connections panel.

After the connection request is sent and the user has accepted it, you are a connection of that Infor Ming.le user. As a connected user, you have access to post on that user's feed page, and that user has access to post on your feed page. You also have access to view posts on a user feed page that has a privacy level set to Connections.

If the user declines the connection request, you do not receive a notification of it. If the user accepts your request, you do receive a notification of the acceptance.

You can send a connection request to an Infor Ming.le user from these locations:

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