Adding a security role

To add a security role:

  1. Click Add new item. The Add Security Role page is displayed.
  2. Enter the name of the security role.
  3. Enter the description of the security role.
  4. To add the security role each new user, click Assign to new Users.
  5. To assign this security role to every user that is currently in you system, click Assign to all existing Users.
  6. Optionally, add users to the security role.
    1. On the Users tab, click Add new item.
    2. On the Assign users to Security Roles overlay, search for and select a user.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Add additional users as required.
    5. Click Add & Close to add selected users and close the overlay.
  7. Optionally, add documents:
    1. On the Documents tab, click Add new item.
    2. Select the documents you are mapping to this security role and click Add.
  8. Click Save.