
Homepages administratorA user with permission to use the Homepages Administration tools and with full access to all published pages and widgets.
Homepages content administratorA user with full access to all published pages and widgets.
Local widgetA widget that is local to a page. A local widget is not part of the Widget Catalog.
Mandatory pageA page that is added to your pages by an administrator. You cannot remove a mandatory page.
My pages Displays an overview of your pages, which you can manage.
PageA page contains one or more widgets in a responsive grid layout.
Page CatalogA location where you browse, search, and add published pages.
Page menuProvides actions related to Homepages.
Page menu iconDisplays the page menu when clicked.
Page modesA page is displayed in different modes when you are changing the page layout, previewing a page, publishing a page, or publishing a widget. A page mode is indicated by a command bar with a title and actions.
Page navigatorNavigate your pages.
Page panelThe area that displays the content of a page.
Page title barDisplays the page title, page navigator, and the page menu icon.
Preview page modeA preview of a published page.
Private pageA page that is private to a specific user. Private pages are displayed only to the user who creates the page.
Published pageA page that is published to the Page Catalog.
Published widgetA configuration of a standard widget that has been published to the Widget Catalog.
Standard widgetA widget of a specific type with a default configuration.
WidgetWidgets are small applications that provide quick access to information or functionality and can be added to a page.
Widget CatalogA location where you browse, search, and add published widgets.
Widget content areaDisplays the widget content. The content depends on the widget type.
Widget menuProvides actions related to a widget.
Widget title barDisplays the widget title and the widget menu icon.