Locating the page ID for a page

The page ID is the unique identifier for a page. To be able to find the page ID, you must add the page to your pages so that it is displayed in My Pages.

To locate the page ID:

  1. Click the page menu icon (…) on the page title bar.
  2. Click My Pages.
  3. Right-click the page title to open a context menu.
  4. Click Copy to Clipboard.
    • If prompted by the browser to allow access to the clipboard, select Yes/OK to allow Homepages to add text to the computer clipboard.
    • If your browser does not support this function, a dialog is displayed where you can manually select and copy the information.
  5. Open a text editor on your computer.
  6. Use the command for pasting text, for example Ctrl+V.
  7. In the pasted text, locate the Page ID.