URL Parameters for General Use

When accessing the Mongoose web client, URL parameters can be used to specify what happens when the web client opens.

This table lists and describes the URL parameters that are available for general use by anyone who wants or needs to configure such URLs:

URL parameter (syntax) Description
config=configName Login parameter.

The value for configName is the name of the configuration the user wants to log in to. When specified, this configuration is automatically selected and displays in the Configuration field on the Sign In dialog box.

configgroup=configGroupName Login parameter.

The value for configGroupName is the name of the configuration group to which the named configuration belongs.

Use this option when you want to display only members of the specified configuration group in the Configuration drop-down list on the Sign In dialog box.

deviceid=integer This parameter is used primarily when testing form displays. The integer indicates which device type definition, as defined on the Edit Device Types form, is to be used to display the form.


Session startup parameter.

The value for formName is the name of the form to be opened. This parameter can be used with or without form launch parameters (launchParams).

For example, form=Events as a URL parameter opens the Events form with its default settings. form=Events(FILTER(EventName='IdoOnInvoke')SETVARVALUES(InitialCommand=Refresh)) as a URL parameter with additional form launch parameters filters the Events collection for the IdoOnInvoke framework event and then refreshes the form (overriding the form's default Initial Command parameter) when it opens to display just that event.

Note:  It is possible to do value filtering when launching a form with these launch parameters.
menu=hidden Session startup parameter.

This parameter is used to hide the main menu.

notitle=1 This parameter is used in conjunction with the page=formonly parameter. When specified, it tells the browser not to display the title bar for the form.
notTouch When used, this parameter forces the web client to treat the browser as a non-touch device. This does not necessarily imply that touch actions will not work, only that the browser cannot assume touch-action capability.
page=formonly | light | portal | widget Session startup parameter.
  • When the formonly option is used with this parameter, the form opens without any of the usual WinStudio menus or toolbars, and without access to the Explorer. This option is intended primarily for use with forms designed for use on mobile devices, where space is at a premium.

    This option typically redirects the user to a page named "PlainForm.aspx".

    For more information, see About the Toolbar in Form-only Mode.

  • When the light option is used with this parameter, the form opens in a special lightweight web browser client. This, again, is designed as a feature primarily for mobile forms and apps.

    This option typically redirects the user to a page named "MobileForm.aspx" and is best used for mobile device apps.

  • When the portal option is used with this parameter, the expectation is that the app will be opened and hosted within an iFrame.

    This option typically redirects the user to a page named "PortalPage.aspx".

  • When the widget option is used with this parameter, the form is displayed as a stand-alone widget. The form is shown in the same manner as the formonly option, without the toolbars and menus, and is optimized to perform better in dashboards and pages that display multiple Mongoose-based widgets.
passcode=userPassword Login parameter.

This parameter is used to populate the Password field on the Sign In dialog box with the user's password.

Note: Because this value is not encrypted but is passed along as plain text, we strongly discourage its use.
theme=themeName Session startup parameter.

This parameter is used to override the default theme setting for the session. The value for themeName is the name of the theme to use.

user=userName Login parameter.

The value for userName is the login user ID. When specified, the user ID field on the Sign In dialog box is automatically populated with this user ID.

useworkstation=0 or 1 Login parameter.

When this parameter is set to 1, the login process bypasses the Sign In dialog box, and instead uses the user's workstation login credentials to log the use in.