About PurgeEventData, AES Event

The PurgeEventData is a component designed to maintain the integrity and performance of the databases within the Infor MT Cloud environments. This event is focused on deleting outdated records from the BGTaskHistory_mst table, so that only relevant data is retained. The event is triggered daily to facilitate regular maintenance and incorporates several methods to ensure the data clean up occurs without any conflicts.

This table contains the information about the parameters and values, required for this event:

Parameter Name Description Value
BGTDelOlderThanDays and DaysOld This parameter is used to specify the number of days from the current date to determine which records should be deleted. Values larger than 365, or less than 30 are ignored, and the value will default to 365 and 30, respectively.
NameOfEvent This parameter represents the name of the event called by the event trigger to purge data. PurgeEventData
PurgeDBMethodToCall This parameter is used to specify the method used for the PurgeEventData process. PurgeEventDataSp