Framework events

This table lists and describes the framework (Core) events that ship with the system. You can create handlers that execute when these events are generated, but you cannot create your own triggers for these events.

  • Your application might not include all of these events. Events that are included are listed on the Events form.
  • Some framework events are classified as "application events", which are listed and described in Application events.
Event name Trigger Context attributes passed as event parameters, in addition to the object name

A call from the LoadESBSecurityUserMasterSp stored procedure


BodOnReceive An inbound BOD is received by the ION instance associated with the current site. BODVERB( )



BodOnReceiveFail A BodOnReceive event fails BODVERB( )



A BodErrorMessage describing the error thrown by the attempted BOD processing

BodPreReceive A BOD is queued for processing following a request

If this exists as an AES (Application Event System) event returns "Success", or if it does not exist at all, then BOD processing proceeds.

If this fails, then the BOD is not sent for processing and the BODOnReceive event does not fire.




ClearServiceSessions A Mongoose Core Event Trigger is used to clear old service sessions. n/a
DataViewOnLoad A DataView is loaded. DataView.ReportName as an event handler Initiator (where ReportName is the name of the DataView report)
DataViewPostLoad After a DataView is loaded DataView.ReportName as an event handler Initiator (where ReportName is the name of the DataView report)
EmailReportFromFileServerAsAttachment For internal use only. For internal use only.
EmailReportFromFileServerUsingExtensionMethod For internal use only. For internal use only.
FileContentTest For internal use only. For internal use only.
IdoOnInvoke An IDO method is being invoked. Name of the IDO method that has been invoked

Number of parameters passed to the method

Values of the parameters passed to the method

IdoOnItemDelete An IDO item is being deleted. Row (IDO item) being deleted
IdoOnItemInsert An IDO item is being inserted into a collection. Row (IDO item) being inserted
IdoOnItemUpdate An IDO item is being updated. Row (IDO item) being updated

Modified flags

IdoOnLoadCollection An IDO collection is being loaded into the system. Load flags

Property names

Post query actions

IdoOnPersistFailed An exception occurs during a create, update, or delete operation. DBErrorDataKeys (number of keys that exist in the DBErrorData[] array)

DBErrorDataKeyList (comma- separated list of the keys that exist in the DAErrorData[] array)

IdoOnUpdateCollection An update to an IDO collection update is being performed.

Custom insert specification

Custom update specification

Custom delete specification

IdoPostInvoke An IDO method has been invoked.

Name of the IDO method that has been invoked

Number of parameters passed to the method

Values of the parameters passed to the method

IdoPostItemDelete An IDO item has been deleted. Row (IDO item) that has been deleted
IdoPostItemInsert An IDO item has been inserted into a collection. Row (IDO item) that has been inserted
IdoPostItemUpdate An IDO item has finished updating.

Row (IDO item) that has been updated

Modified flags

IdoPostLoadCollection An IDO collection has finished loading into the system. Result set
IdoPostRequestQuarantined An IDO request is checked if it has a matching record in the exclusion list. IDO() in which the IDO was quarantined

RequestType (a LoadCollection or Invoke request that was quarantined)

MethodName is the name of the quarantined method

IdoPostUpdateCollection All IDO collection updates have finished processing. n/a
LazyDeleteLicenseModuleExecute A call by the LoadESBSecurityUserMasterSp stored procedure The user ID
LocalizeDataLake One of these:
  • A user who clicks the Insert AES button on the Data Lake Data Populator form.
  • A background task that checks the ObjectExtDataSource table for any localized tables, and then updates the records.
The name of the Data Lake table (unbound) and the name of the Mongoose table (localized)
SessionOnLogin A new session is being requested. User name
SessionOnLoginFailed A login attempt has failed.

The application name

Configuration information, which includes the configuration name, application ID within the configuration, and the site to which the configuration belongs

User information, which includes the user name, password (either encrypted or not), domain, workstation info (if applicable), and token authentication passcode (if applicable)

The name of the computer from which the login attempt originated

Additional system and login failure information

SessionOnLogout A session has been closed. User name
SessionOnVarChanged A session variable’s value is being changed. The name and new value of the session variable
SessionPostVarChanged A session variable’s value has been changed. The name and new value of the session variable
TaskOnPerform A task is being performed.

Task environment attributes

Profile parameters

Report options

Cultural formatting attributes

Task-specific attributes

Task parameters

TaskOnPerformFailed A task has failed to perform.

Task environment attributes

Profile parameters

Report options

Cultural formatting attributes

Task-specific attributes

Task parameters

Task result attributes

TaskPostPerform A task has successfully been performed.

Task environment attributes

Profile parameters

Report options

Cultural formatting attributes

Task-specific attributes

Task parameters

Task result attributes

Note: When creating event handlers that execute when the TaskPostPerform event is generated, you must first create an entry on the Document Types form for each unique value of the Output Format field on the Report Options form, for task names that are to actively run. Each document type entry must have a file extension that corresponds to a unique output format. For example, to provide for all reports that use the Acrobat Format output format, you need to create a document type for the PDF file extension.