Default values for components

When a user creates a record in an IDO collection, the framework normally clears the values of all components for the new record and then sets default values in any components for which defaults are specified on that form.

Any default values that might or might not be set for a new record are determined primarily by the question of whether the record was created as new or whether it was created as a copy of an existing record.

In a New operation

  • If a default value is specified for a particular form component, the framework sets the new record's value for that component to the default value.
  • If no default value is specified for that component and the component is bound to a column-based IDO property, then the framework sets the new record's value for that component to the default value as specified in the table-column definition.
  • If no default value is specified for that component in either location, then the framework does not specify any default value for the component.

You can specify an exception to this behavior by setting the Do Not Clear Value On New component property to True. That component then retains the value from whatever IDO record was previously current. The value for that componentĀ is not cleared and defaulted for the new record.

In a Copy operation

Copy operations work in the opposite way from New operations. The default behavior for a Copy operation is to retain all the values from the previously current record.

You can specify an exception to this behavior by setting the Use Default Value On Copy component property to True. The component's default value is then assigned to the component when the Copy operation is executed.