Working with components

Each form in a Mongoose-based application contains components that actually do the work for which the form is designed. Components include such things as buttons, editable fields, grids, and much more.

Components can be used to enter and display data, perform calculations, open other forms, and a wide variety of other actions. Individual components can be bound to data or not. They might be interactive or used for display purposes only. They can work in tandem with other components to process and produce new data. With the proper authorization and editing permissions, they can be added to forms or modified for custom use on a form. In certain cases, they can also be "hidden" so that they do not display on the form but work quietly in the background.

Bound components are typically configured to work with specific properties of an IDO (Intelligent Data Object) collection. The data used by a given component can also be manipulated using "events" and "event handlers", either at the form or the application level, using standard operations. And components can be formatted or customized to display or operate in a desired way.

For more information about components, see the other topics in this section of the help.