Leaving customized forms untouched
When customizing forms using the Leave customized forms untouched option, FormSync keeps any customized versions in the Target database, without processing them, independent of new vendor versions. FormSync replaces all other old vendor versions with new vendor versions.
Before synchronization
![Basic form, new version](xfj1535675614280.png)
After synchronization
![Leaving customized forms untouched](oeu1535679495816.png)
- The old base-level vendor version in the Target database is removed.
- The new base-level vendor version replaces the old version in the Target database.
- The customized version, which is based on the old vendor version, is kept in the Target database and is unchanged. The customized version does not incorporate revisions contained in the new vendor version.
- The customized version keeps the custom caption but does not have the new button. The vendor version has the new button and the original caption .