Creating a form with the Runtime Builder

The Runtime Builder is a special feature that allows authorized users to create forms in Runtime Mode, without having to use the Web Designer (web client) or go into Design Mode (Windows client).

  1. Launch the Runtime Builder Selection form.
    Note: To use the Runtime Builder Selection form, you must have Site Developer or Vendor developer editing permissions and be authorized to use this form.

    Open the Runtime Builder Selection form by clicking the Runtime Builder icon on the menu bar.

    Note: If this is your first time using the Runtime Builder Selection form, the system prompts you for your Editing Scope.
  2. In the Runtime Builder Selection form, select the Category for the form you want to build.
    The Category drop-down list displays only the categories for which form types have been designated as Runtime Builder forms.
  3. From the Runtime Builder drop-down list, select the type of form to create.
    This list displays only the form types that have been designated as Runtime Builder forms.
  4. Click OK.
    The system launches the correct wizard for the type of form you are creating.
  5. Use the wizard that launches to finish creating the form.