Using the Data Lake IDO Wizard

Use the Data Lake IDO Wizard form to import objects from the Infor Data Lake.

Note: Before you can use this wizard, you must first verify that these settings have been made:
  • The ION API Server must be set to 0 (zero, the default).
  • Verify that the Data Lake IDO Wizard form has been designated as a Runtime Builder form.
  • You are authorized to use Runtime Builder forms.


  1. If you do not already have an IDO project with which to associate the IDO you are creating, use the IDO Projects form to create one.
  2. Open the Data Lake IDO Wizard form.
  3. On the first page of the wizard, select the Data Lake object and set the options for the object you want to import.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the IDO Definition page of the wizard, supply these values:
    IDO Name
    (Required) Provide the name to be assigned to the new IDO.

    The wizard supplies a suggested name for the IDO, but you can change it to anything you want.

    (Optional) Provide the text to be used and displayed as the IDO caption.
    Project Name
    (Required) From the drop-down list, select the IDO project to be associated with the new IDO.
  6. Optionally, to add and manage a subcollection to the IDO, click Sub Collection.
    This launches the Sub Collection page of the wizard. See Subcollection page.
  7. Click Finish.
    If successful, the system displays a message to let you know that the IDO was generated successfully.
  8. (Optional, but recommended) Use the IDOs form and related IDO forms to verify that the IDO exists and has the correct properties and methods.
    We also recommend that you refresh the IDO metadata cache at this time.
The IDO can now be used much like any other IDO collection in your application.
If you are using a localized, bound-properties IDO, you can use it like any other native IDO in your Mongoose-based application.

If you are using an unbound IDO collection in a form, you must use the GetDatalakeData custom load method with it. Otherwise, your application cannot find the requested information. To do this, in the Web Designer or Design Mode, select the Collections property sheet, and then select GetDatalakeData as the Custom Load Method attribute value.